This speech titled 2012.09.27.753.Virginia Beach.VA originally had 4384 tokens. You can view the original text here.
the presid __PUNCT__
jim_webb __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ how it go __PUNCT__ virginia beach __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
it is good to be back __PUNCT__
it is good to have all kind of friend here todai __PUNCT__
i want to acknowledg a coupl of peopl __PUNCT__
first of all __PUNCT__ outstand congressman bobbi scott __PUNCT__
a good_man who run to join him in congress __PUNCT__ paul hirschbiel __PUNCT__
and i could not be prouder of a man who ha serv thi countri hi entir life __PUNCT__ as a marin __PUNCT__ as secretari of the navi __PUNCT__ as an advoc for veteran __PUNCT__ as a unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__ somebodi who is respons for successfulli pass the post __PUNCT__ 9/11 gi_bill __PUNCT__ my friend and a true_patriot __PUNCT__ senat jim_webb __PUNCT__
and it good to see all of you __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ unless you been live under a rock or you didn't pai your cabl bill __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ you mai be awar that there an elect go on here in virginia __PUNCT__
i wa talk to my campaign_manag __PUNCT__
he wa meet with a young_coupl __PUNCT__ thei had a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old son with them __PUNCT__ sammi __PUNCT__
and thei strong_support __PUNCT__ and so thei were excit __PUNCT__ thei saw a pictur of me on the wall __PUNCT__ and thei said __PUNCT__ sammi __PUNCT__ sammi __PUNCT__ who that __PUNCT__ and the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old sai __PUNCT__ that barack_obama __PUNCT__
and then thei said __PUNCT__ and what doe barack obama do __PUNCT__ and sammi thought about it for a second __PUNCT__ and then he said __PUNCT__ he approv thi messag __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ he approv thi messag __PUNCT__
there a true_stori __PUNCT__
so you know you in campaign season __PUNCT__ and i approv thi messag __PUNCT__
and i got to tell you __PUNCT__ the reason is __PUNCT__ in the come week __PUNCT__ you go to have a veri big choic to make __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ jim could not have been more eloqu about what at stake __PUNCT__
thi is not just a choic between two candid or two parti __PUNCT__ it a choic between two fundament differ vision about how we move_forward __PUNCT__ two differ idea about our futur __PUNCT__
see __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ i believ that as a nation __PUNCT__ we move forward again __PUNCT__
we not where we need to be __PUNCT__ not yet __PUNCT__
we got a lot more folk who have to get back to work __PUNCT__
we got a lot more work to do to make the middl_class secur again __PUNCT__
but the question is __PUNCT__ whose plan is better for you __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
your __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i know some in the crowd mai be a littl bias __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but i also want to speak to the audienc who mai be see thi over the televis __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ my oppon a big believ in top __PUNCT__ down econom __PUNCT__
he think that if you just spend anoth __MONEY___trillion on tax_cut that favor the wealthiest american __PUNCT__ if you get rid of more regul on wall_street __PUNCT__ that job and prosper will rain down on everybodi __PUNCT__
the deficit will magic disappear __PUNCT__
we live_happili ever after __PUNCT__
but there a problem with thi __PUNCT__
we just tri thi __PUNCT__
we tri it in the last decad __PUNCT__ befor i wa elect_presid __PUNCT__
it didn't work then __PUNCT__ and it won't work now __PUNCT__
becaus top __PUNCT__ down econom doesn't work __PUNCT__
we don't need to doubl down on the same trickl __PUNCT__ down polici that got us into thi mess in the first place __PUNCT__
thi countri doesn't succe when onli the rich get richer __PUNCT__
we succe when the middl_class get bigger __PUNCT__ when there ar ladder of opportun for all who strive to get into the middl class __PUNCT__ when everybodi who will to work_hard ha a chanc to get ahead and live up to their god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__
i don't think we can get veri far with leader who write off half the nation as a bunch of victim who never take respons for their own live __PUNCT__
i know i travel around a lot in virginia and across thi countri __PUNCT__ i don't meet a lot of victim __PUNCT__
i see hard __PUNCT__ work virginian __PUNCT__
i see student try to work their wai through colleg __PUNCT__
i see singl_mom __PUNCT__ like my mom __PUNCT__ put in overtim to rais their kid right __PUNCT__
i see senior_citizen who have been save for retir your entir live __PUNCT__
like jim_webb said __PUNCT__ i see a whole bunch of veteran who ar __PUNCT__ serv thi countri with braveri and distinct __PUNCT__
and i see soldier who defend our freedom everi singl_dai __PUNCT__
and i see those militari famili who ar wonder whether their love on ar go to come back_home __PUNCT__ safe and sound __PUNCT__
that who i see __PUNCT__
we don't believ anybodi is entitl to success in thi countri __PUNCT__
we don't believ govern should help folk who aren't will to try to help themselv __PUNCT__
but we do believ in someth call opportun __PUNCT__
we do believ in a countri where hard_work pai off __PUNCT__ where respons is reward __PUNCT__ where everyon get a fair shot and everybodi is do their fair_share and everybodi plai by the same rule __PUNCT__
we believ in an america where no matter what you look like __PUNCT__ no matter who you ar __PUNCT__ no matter where you come from __PUNCT__ no matter who you love __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
that the countri i believ in __PUNCT__
that what i been fight for as presid __PUNCT__
that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
dure campaign season __PUNCT__ you alwai hear a lot about patriot __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you know what __PUNCT__ it time for a new econom patriot __PUNCT__ an econom patriot root in the belief that grow our economi begin with a strong and thrive middl_class __PUNCT__
and i won't pretend that get there is easi __PUNCT__
the truth is __PUNCT__ it go to take a few more year to solv challeng that were build up over decad __PUNCT__
but i want everybodi here to understand our problem can be solv __PUNCT__
our challeng will be met __PUNCT__
we got everyth it take to succe __PUNCT__
we got the best worker in the world __PUNCT__
we have the best entrepreneur in the world __PUNCT__
we got the best research and scientist in the world __PUNCT__
we got the best colleg and univers in the world __PUNCT__
i travel around the world __PUNCT__ and i know there not anoth countri on earth that wouldn't trade place with the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
so no matter how hard the path mai seem sometim __PUNCT__ the path i offer lead to a better place __PUNCT__
that why i put_forward a practic plan to creat_job and grow the middl_class __PUNCT__ rebuild thi economi on a stronger foundat __PUNCT__
so what my plan __PUNCT__ just in case __PUNCT__ you weren't watch the convent __PUNCT__ or mayb you just saw michel __PUNCT__
so i want to lai it out for you __PUNCT__
number on __PUNCT__ i want to export more product and i want to outsourc fewer job __PUNCT__
when my oppon said we should just __PUNCT__ let detroit go bankrupt __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
don't boo __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__
i want you to vote __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
vote __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but when governor romnei turn hi back on the american auto_industri __PUNCT__ i said i go to bet on american_worker __PUNCT__
i go to bet on american ingenu __PUNCT__
we came togeth __PUNCT__ and we reinvent a dy auto_industri that is now back on top of the world __PUNCT__
in the last 2½ year __PUNCT__ we creat more than half a million manufactur_job __PUNCT__
so now __PUNCT__ you got a choic __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__
you can follow governor romnei advic and keep __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
don't boo __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__
we can give __PUNCT__ we can keep give tax_break to corpor that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ or we can start reward compani that open new plant and hire new worker and creat new job right here in virginia __PUNCT__ right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we can help big factori and small_busi doubl their export __PUNCT__
we can creat a million new manufactur_job in the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__
you can make that happen with your vote __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ i want to control more of our own energi __PUNCT__
after __NUM__ year of do noth __PUNCT__ we rais fuel standard so that by the middl of the next decad __PUNCT__ your car will go twice as far on a gallon of ga __PUNCT__
we doubl the amount of renew_energi that we gener from thing like wind and solar __PUNCT__
thousand of american have job todai build wind_turbin and long __PUNCT__ last batteri __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ the unit_state of america is less depend on foreign_oil than at ani time in nearli two decad __PUNCT__
so now you got a choic __PUNCT__
governor romnei want to revers thi progress __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
or we can build on that progress __PUNCT__
see __PUNCT__ unlik my oppon __PUNCT__ i not go to let the oil_compani write thi countri energi plan __PUNCT__
i not go to see them collect anoth __MONEY___billion in corpor_welfar from our taxpay __PUNCT__
we got a better plan where we keep invest in wind and solar and clean_coal technolog and where farmer and scientist ar har new biofuel to power our car and truck and where we put construct_worker back to work refit home and factori so thei more energi_effici __PUNCT__ where we develop a hundr __PUNCT__ year suppli of natur_ga __PUNCT__ where we cut our oil import in half by __NUM__ and creat hundr of thousand of job all across thi nation __PUNCT__
that the plan that will move us forward __PUNCT__
that why i run for a second term __PUNCT__
number three __PUNCT__ i want to give more american the chanc to learn the skill thei need to compet __PUNCT__ and i want us to have the best educ_system on earth __PUNCT__
i am onli stand here becaus of a great educ __PUNCT__
i wasn't born into wealth or privileg __PUNCT__ but i got a great educ becaus i wa born here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
educ wa the gatewai of opportun for michel __PUNCT__
it wa the gatewai of opportun for a whole lot of you __PUNCT__
it now the gatewai to a middl_class class_life __PUNCT__
and so we have not just talk the talk __PUNCT__ we walk the walk when it come to educ __PUNCT__
million of student ar now __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ pai less becaus we took on a system that wa wast billion of taxpay_dollar on bank and lender __PUNCT__ and we said let give that monei directli to student __PUNCT__
let keep interest_rate on student_loan low __PUNCT__
let make sure that we ar implement the post __PUNCT__ 9/11 gi_bill so everybodi ha got a fair shot __PUNCT__
so now you got a choic __PUNCT__ we could gut educ to pai for more tax_break for the wealthi __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
don't boo __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
vote __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
vote __PUNCT__
or we can decid that in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ no child should have her dream defer just becaus of an overcrowd classroom __PUNCT__
no famili should have to set asid a colleg accept letter becaus thei don't have the monei __PUNCT__
no compani should have to reloc to china becaus thei couldn't find the worker thei need right here in the unit state of america __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__ i ask you to help me recruit __NUM__ new math and scienc_teacher __PUNCT__ and improv earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__
help give __NUM___million worker the chanc to learn skill at a commun_colleg for a job that is hire right now __PUNCT__
help us keep tuition cost down for young_peopl all across thi countri __PUNCT__
thei deserv opportun just like i got opportun __PUNCT__ just like you got opportun __PUNCT__
that what we fight for __PUNCT__
that why i run for a second term __PUNCT__
we can meet these goal __PUNCT__
you can choos thi futur for america __PUNCT__
number four __PUNCT__ i want to cut the deficit without stick it to the middl_class __PUNCT__
i put_forward a veri specif plan to reduc the deficit by __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__
i alreadi work with republican in thi congress to cut a trillion_dollar __PUNCT__ worth of spend __PUNCT__ and i will to do more __PUNCT__
i want to reform the tax_code so it simpl and fair __PUNCT__
but i also want to make sure that the wealthiest household in america pai modestli higher_tax on incom over __MONEY__ which is the same_rate we had when bill_clinton wa presid __PUNCT__
our economi creat nearli __NUM___million new job __PUNCT__
we went from deficit to surplu __PUNCT__ and we produc a whole lot of millionair to boot __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the reason is __PUNCT__ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ i said i cut_tax for middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__ and i did __PUNCT__
the typic famili ha seen their tax_burden go down about __MONEY__ on the feder_level becaus of our polici __PUNCT__
and i want to keep your tax low becaus you need it __PUNCT__
what happen when middl_class class_famili have a littl extra_monei __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
spend it __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
thei spend it __PUNCT__
mayb you got to final trade in that __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old car and get a new on __PUNCT__
mayb you need to bui a comput for your kid who go off to colleg __PUNCT__
and what happen is when the middl_class or folk fight to get into the middl class __PUNCT__ when thei got a littl extra_monei __PUNCT__ thei spend it __PUNCT__
and now suddenli __PUNCT__ busi ha more custom __PUNCT__ which mean thei have more profit __PUNCT__ which mean thei do better so thei hire more worker __PUNCT__
and you get a virtuou cycl go up __PUNCT__
everybodi doe better __PUNCT__
that how you grow an economi __PUNCT__ not from the top down but from the middl out __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ in fair __PUNCT__ my oppon also ha a plan __PUNCT__
but as presid_clinton point out down in charlott __PUNCT__ there on thing miss from it __PUNCT__ arithmet __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ arithmet __PUNCT__
my oppon somehow sai we can lower our deficit while spend trillion of dollar more on new tax_break for the wealthi __PUNCT__
and it doesn't add up __PUNCT__
everi few dai __PUNCT__ he keep on sai he go to __PUNCT__ reboot __PUNCT__ thi campaign and thei go to start explain veri specif how thi plan is go to work __PUNCT__ and then thei don't __PUNCT__
thei don't sai how you pai for __MONEY___trillion in tax_cut that ar skew toward the wealthi without rais_tax on middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__
thei don't explain how you spend___MONEY__ __MONEY___trillion more on militari_spend that our militari hasn't ask for without have you foot the bill __PUNCT__
the math doesn't add up __PUNCT__
my oppon think it fair that somebodi who make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million a year __PUNCT__ like him __PUNCT__ pai a lower_tax tax_rate than a cop or a teacher who make __NUM__ __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
don't boo __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
vote __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
vote __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ i just disagre __PUNCT__
i don't think that fair __PUNCT__
and i don't think it help grow our economi __PUNCT__
and i refus to ask middl_class class_famili to give up your deduct for own a home or rais kid just so we pai for anoth millionair tax_cut __PUNCT__
i refus to ask the colleg_student who ar here to pai more or kick kid off of head_start or elimin health_insur for million of poor and elderli and disabl just to pai for a tax_cut for me __PUNCT__
that is not right __PUNCT__
that not who we ar __PUNCT__
and i will never __PUNCT__ ever turn medicar into a voucher __PUNCT__ becaus no american should have to spend their golden year at the merci of insur_compani __PUNCT__
thei work all their live __PUNCT__ thei should be abl to retir with digniti __PUNCT__
we reform and strengthen medicar for the long_haul __PUNCT__ but we do it by reduc the cost of health_care __PUNCT__ not by dump those cost onto senior __PUNCT__
just like we go to keep the promis of social_secur by take the respons step to strengthen it __PUNCT__ and that mean we not by turn it over to wall_street __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__ our prosper at home is link to our polici abroad __PUNCT__
four year_ago __PUNCT__ i said i end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ and we did __PUNCT__
i said we wind down the war in afghanistan in a respons wai __PUNCT__ and we ar __PUNCT__
you got a new tower across the new york skylin __PUNCT__ al qaida is on the path to defeat __PUNCT__ bin_laden is dead __PUNCT__
but we still face seriou threat __PUNCT__ as we saw just a coupl of week_ago with the tragic death of our ambassador and three of hi colleagu __PUNCT__
and that why __PUNCT__ as long as i command in chief __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__ we will sustain the strongest militari the world ha ever known __PUNCT__
and as jim_webb so eloqu state __PUNCT__ when our troop take off their uniform __PUNCT__ we will serv them as well as thei serv us __PUNCT__ becaus nobodi who fight for thi countri should have to fight for a job or a roof over their head when thei come home __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ my oppon seem to have differ view __PUNCT__
he said it wa __PUNCT__ tragic __PUNCT__ to end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ he won't tell us how or what he do in afghanistan __PUNCT__
i have __PUNCT__ and i will __PUNCT__
and i will us the monei we no longer spend on war to pai down our debt and put more peopl back to work rebuild road and bridg and school and runwai __PUNCT__ becaus after a decad of war __PUNCT__ it is time to do some nation __PUNCT__ build right here at home __PUNCT__
so that the choic we now face __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
we love you __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
love you back __PUNCT__
but that what thi elect come down to __PUNCT__
the other side __PUNCT__ thei keep on run these ad __PUNCT__ and their basic messag is __PUNCT__ is that somehow bigger tax_cut and fewer regul is the onli wai __PUNCT__ that becaus govern can't do everyth __PUNCT__ it should do almost noth __PUNCT__
their theori is __PUNCT__ if you can't afford health_insur __PUNCT__ hope you don't get sick __PUNCT__
their theori is __PUNCT__ if you can't afford to go to colleg __PUNCT__ borrow_monei from your parent __PUNCT__
you know what __PUNCT__ we got a differ idea __PUNCT__
we fight on behalf of a differ idea __PUNCT__
we don't think that anybodi ow us anyth __PUNCT__ and we don't think govern can solv all our problem __PUNCT__
but we do think that the govern can help __PUNCT__ that it not the sourc of all our problem __PUNCT__
we don't believ in a polit that tri to separ peopl out __PUNCT__ whether it corpor or union or welfar_recipi or immigr or gai or __PUNCT__
here in america __PUNCT__ we believ that we in thi all togeth __PUNCT__
we believ america onli work when we accept certain respons for ourselv __PUNCT__ but also for other and for futur_gener __PUNCT__ to creat more opportun and more possibl for thi nation __PUNCT__
we understand america is not what can be for us __PUNCT__ but what can be done by us __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ as on nation and as on peopl __PUNCT__
and you understood that __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
that what i took awai from __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the elect __NUM___year_ago wasn't about me __PUNCT__
it wa about you and your capac to move thi countri forward __PUNCT__
you the reason a mother in richmond doesn't have to worri about her son be deni medic coverag becaus of a preexist condit __PUNCT__
you made that happen __PUNCT__
you the reason a middl_class class_famili in leesburg got a tax_cut __PUNCT__ monei thei can us to bui groceri __PUNCT__ put ga in the car __PUNCT__ pai their bill __PUNCT__
that wa becaus of you __PUNCT__
you the reason a student in charlottesvil or blacksburg or hampton ha help to pai for her colleg_educ __PUNCT__ the reason a return veteran like jim son can go to colleg on the new gi_bill __PUNCT__
that becaus of you __PUNCT__
you the reason a young immigr who grew up here and went to school here and pledg_allegi to our flag will no longer be deport to __PUNCT__ from the onli countri she ever known __PUNCT__ the countri she call home __PUNCT__
you the reason why we end __PUNCT__ don't ask __PUNCT__ don't tell __PUNCT__
you the reason that thousand of famili have final been abl to sai to the love on who serv us so brave __PUNCT__ welcom home __PUNCT__
you know it funni __PUNCT__ i made thi point in florida __PUNCT__ i said on of the thing i learn after __NUM___year __PUNCT__ it remind me that chang doesn't come from the insid __PUNCT__ you got to chang washington from the outsid __PUNCT__
you chang it with the help of ordinari_american who ar will to have their voic_heard __PUNCT__
and for some reason __PUNCT__ thi got governor romnei realli excit __PUNCT__
and he rewrot hi speech __PUNCT__ and he stood up at a ralli __PUNCT__ and he proudli declar __PUNCT__ i get the job done from the insid __PUNCT__
which got me think __PUNCT__ what kind of insid job ar you talk about __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ becaus if it the insid job of rubberstamp the top __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ lobbyist __PUNCT__ driven agenda of thi republican_congress __PUNCT__ we don't want that __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
if it the insid job of let oil_compani write energi_polici __PUNCT__ insur_compani write health_care_polici __PUNCT__ outsourc write our tax_code __PUNCT__ we don't need that __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
if it the insid job of try to control the health_care choic that women ar perfectli capabl of make themselv __PUNCT__ we take a pass on that __PUNCT__
we don't need an insid job __PUNCT__
we want chang in washington __PUNCT__
and i alwai said that chang take more than on term or on presid __PUNCT__
it take more than on parti __PUNCT__
it can't happen if you write off half the nation befor you take offic __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ percent of thi countri did not vote for me __PUNCT__
but the night of the elect __PUNCT__ i said to all those american __PUNCT__ i said __PUNCT__ i mai not have won your vote __PUNCT__ but i hear your voic __PUNCT__
i need your help __PUNCT__
i will be your presid too __PUNCT__
and so i sai thi to virginia __PUNCT__ i don't know how mani of you out there will be vote for me __PUNCT__
but i be fight for you no matter what __PUNCT__
i not fight to creat democrat job or republican job __PUNCT__ i fight to creat american_job __PUNCT__
i not fight to improv school in blue_state or red_state __PUNCT__ i fight to improv school in the unit_state __PUNCT__
the valu of hard_work and person_respons and look after your neighbor __PUNCT__ those aren't just valu of rich_folk or poor_folk or the __NUM__ percent or the __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
thei ar american valu __PUNCT__ and thei belong to all of us __PUNCT__
and if we reclaim those valu now __PUNCT__ if we ralli around a new econom patriot togeth __PUNCT__ we can rebuild thi economi togeth __PUNCT__
we will grow the middl_class togeth __PUNCT__
we will move_forward togeth __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
i don't believ we as divid as our polit make it seem __PUNCT__
i think we got more in common than the pundit give us credit for __PUNCT__
i still believ in you __PUNCT__
and if you still believ in me __PUNCT__ i ask for your vote __PUNCT__
if you stand with me and work with me __PUNCT__ we win the tidewat again __PUNCT__
we win virginia again __PUNCT__
we finish what we start and remind the world why the unit_state is the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__
god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__